A partnership approach to Selective and Additional licensing that delivers better outcomes for all PRS stakeholders.

We help ensure your licensing scheme is delivered on time, in budget and with a clear focus on the criminal Landlords blighting your communities, without relinquishing your authority or control.

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Delivery Partner Service Overview

At Home Safe we believe that not every landlord will require enforcement to change behaviour and that a far more effective approach is to support, educate and develop those willing to learn and target enforcement powers against those that are most deserving. Home Safe's delivery partner service focuses on the 3 key areas of applications, inspections and compliance management. Leaving the Local Authority to focus its resource on unlicensed properties and the criminal Landlords identified as being in breach of their Licence conditions.

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Licence Applications

Our support provides an online licence application platform to our Local Authority partners, bespoke to local requirements, saving time, removing administrative burdens and providing a better experience for your Landlord community. Following the acceptance of a successful application Landlords will be provided with access to free online training to ensure they fully understand their obligations under licensing.

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Property Inspections

We can deliver single or multiple inspection programmes, dependent upon your requirements, with qualified HHSRS risk assessors, for all Licensed properties, gathering compliance information and critical detailed data on such things as property conditions and energy efficiency.

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Compliance Management

Our approach filters out and resolves over 90% of the identified issues leaving the Local Authority to focus its resource on delivering targeted enforcement on high risk properties and the worst performing Landlords.

Local Authority Enforcement

By the Local Authority adopting the Delivery Partner approach to Licensing they have enabled Home Safe to effectively apply a filter to their Licensed area allowing the poor performing Landlords and problem properties to be identified. Home Safe make the Local Authority aware of any failed applications and any landlords that are in breach of the licence conditions, allowing them to focus its resources on the most important aspect of any licensing scheme, enforcement, rather than spending time on compliant landlords who will facilitate access and remedy defects.