Banning Orders secured against 4 private landlords by Camden Council
Camden Council has secured banning orders against 4 rogue landlords operating an unlicensed and unsafe HMO in the Kilburn area of the borough. The orders ban the landlords from operating rental properties for a period of 5 years and will come into effect in 6 months if no reputable property management company has been engaged by then to run the HMO in question.
This brings the number of banning orders secured by Camden to seven - perhaps surprisingly, the most secured by any council in England. In 2021 the council, working with the Metropolitan Police, also secured and ASB injunction against one of these landlords to protect his tenants from harassment and illegal eviction - the first such injunction in the country.
The banning orders made by by the First-Tier Tribunal list an extraordinary history of behaviour by these landlords regarding property management, the regulatory environment and the judicial process and make instructive reading for anyone working in the private rented sector and property licensing. Cllr Meric Apak of Camden Council said "the legal action taken in this case was a necessary last resort"